On November 6-8, 2023, the General Custody of the Sacred Convent of St. Francis in Italy (Assisi) conducted a Fraternal Assembly.

The theme of the Assembly focused on how to discern ways to better understand and more enthusiastically adhere to the vocation and mission that the Lord Jesus has entrusted to the friars of Assisi, namely, that of being guardians and promoters of the message and the gift of grace that is St. Francis.
On November 6, the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, also participated.
The Assembly was presided over by the Custos, Friar Marco MORONI. It was organized as follows:
On November 6, the Custodial community listened to feedback and assessments on our Franciscan life, mission and witness in Assisi. The feedback came from friends and experts, including employees of the Custody, (lay and clerical, men and women). Among these was the Most Reverend Domenico SORRENTI, Bishop of Assisi; Davide RONDONI, a poet; Grado MERLO, an expert on Franciscan Studies; Paolo CAPITANUCCI, a scholar; Sister Lisa TRENTIN; and Professor Vincenzo ROSITO.
On November 7, the Assembly divided into discussion groups, in keeping with the synodal modality recently experienced at the Synod of Bishops. The topic under discussion was the revision of the identity document of the Custody, called Propositum vitae, which was drawn up in 2013.
Finally, on Wednesday, November 8, the entire custodial community met in a plenary session to talk about the work that was done in the groups and to discuss additional suggestions to be considered by the ad hoc committee which was established to revise and draft the new version of the identity document.
Friar Giovanni VOLTAN, the Assistant General for the Federazione Intermediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) was present for the entire Assembly. He mentioned how the general government is particularly interested in this initiative, and therefore will be collaborating in the drafting of the revised text.

Friar Giulio CESAREO