The second part of the ordinary Chapter of the Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil (Maranhão) was celebrated at Infant of Prague Friary in the Cohama section of the city of São Luis, at which participated Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, the Assistant General for FALC.
Under the presidency of Provincial Custos Friar Clevis MAFRA DOS SANTOS, the capitulars approved the Custodial Four-Year Plan (2018-2022) which has four sections: the primacy of God, initial and continuing formation, mission and proclamation of the Gospel, and finances.
The Chapter also approved a directory for custodial finances and administration, the first one ever for the Custody. The directory was drafted by a new custodial financial team of three friars.
During session six the following friars were elected: Friar João Raimundo Jr. BATALHA (Guardian of Bl. John Duns Scotus Friary, Fortaleza); Friar David RODRIGUES NASCIMENTO (Guardian of St. Francis of Assisi Friary, São Luís); Friar Raimundo Nonato M. SILVA (Guardian of St. Anthony Friary, Cohajap / São Luís); Friar Roberto HONORATO REMÉDIOS (Guardian of Infant of Prague Friary Cohama/São Luís); Friar Felipe Vitor TORRES DE LIMA (Guardian of St. Francis Friary. Bom Jardim); Friar Gleison SILVA CONCEIÇAO (Delegate for the mission community at Teresina); Friar Roberto HONORATO REMÉDIOS (Director of Postulants).
The Provincial Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil belongs to FALC (Federación América Latina Conventuales), which also includes the jurisdictions in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Perù, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, Assistant General, FALC