The 203rd General Chapter begins In less than eleven months.
Preparations for the Chapter are already underway and so far everything is proceeding according to plan. The Minister General has received all (okay, nearly all) of the reports from the Jurisdictions. The Government of the Order, and the Presidents of the Federations, have received the topics proposed for inclusion in the Instrumentum Laboris and given them a first reading.
Today we are offering you the prayer intentions for the General Chapter. As you will see, we have prepared a number of different intentions that can be freely chosen each day for Morning and Evening Prayer. Before the Chapter, we use the intentions from pattern A. During the Chapter we will use those from pattern B.
Let’s start praying now. If anyone wants a precise date for when we should begin, here you are: Let’s start praying on July 15, 2024, the feast of St. Bonaventure, which this year coincides with the 750th anniversary of his death.
Download the prayer intentions for the 2025 General Chapter >> here
General Secretariat
203rd Ordinary General Chapter
Conventual Franciscan Friars
Prayer Intentions for Morning and Evening Prayer
A. In the months leading up to the Chapter:
Morning Prayer (invocations)
Most Holy Trinity, who creates and governs the universe:
– With your Love, sustain and guide our Fraternity on the path toward the next General Chapter.
We praise You, Holy Trinity, for the richness of your love:
– Illuminate our Order with your presence as we prepare to celebrate our Ordinary General Chapter
We praise You, Holy Trinity, beginning and fulfillment of all created things:
– Help us to walk in communion of spirit and prayer toward the next General Chapter.
Evening Prayer (intercessions)
Most Holy Father, our creator, redeemer, consoler, and savior:
– Through the intercession of St. Francis, teach us to follow the footsteps of your Beloved Son, who came to serve and not to be served.
O Father, who called us to follow your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ:
– Grant that, living in obedience, without anything of our own, and in chastity, we may always seek You and your Holy Spirit.
O Most High and glorious God, Lord of heaven and earth:
– Instill in our hearts the desire to serve You, in the Church and in the world, following the example of Our Seraphic Father St. Francis.
B. From Ascension Sunday (June 1, 2025) to the end of the Chapter
Morning Prayer (invocations)
Spirit of Wisdom and Learning, gift of the Most High Father:
– Come, with your divine presence, and guide our Order during all phases of the General Chapter.
Holy Spirit, who governs the Church:
– Come with the abundance of your gifts, and instill in the Chapter assembly the desire to always seek the will of the Father.
Spirit of love and truth:
– Visit our Family gathered at the General Chapter, and help it to grow in a spirit of communion and fraternity.
Evening Prayer (intercessions)
Good Father, who has called us to serve You in the Franciscan family:
– Through the intercession of St. Francis, help us to remain faithful to our vocation, and to live it by seeing each other as brothers.
Christ, who has made us partakers of your Spirit:
– Enlighten our fraternity gathered at the General Chapter so that it grows in perfect charity to the glory of your name.
Consoling Spirit, author of all good:
– Kindle the fire of your love in those gathered at the General Chapter, and support them in their commitment to serve the fraternity.
Creator of the universe and Father of all creatures:
– Teach us to listen to your voice and to recognize your presence among us, every time we gather in your name.