General Houses

Friary of the Twelve Holy Apostles [General Curia]

Piazza XII Apostoli, 51
00187 Roma (Italia) 

tel.: +39 06699571; fax: +39 0669957321
Guardian: Friar Francesco CELESTINO
Provincial Custody of St. Daniel and Companion Martyrs in Italy (Calabria)

Friary of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe [Casa Kolbe]

Via di S. Teodoro, 42
00186 ROMA (Italia)
tel.: +39 0669766401; fax: +39 0669766433
Interim Director: Friar Anton ROCA
Province of St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. in Romania

Friary of St. Anthony at the Baths [“Vigna”]

Viale Giudo Baccelli, 56
00153 ROMA (Italia)
tel.: +39 065781189; fax: +39 065781189+221
Guardian: Friar Germano TOGNETTI
The Italian Province of St. Anthony of Padua (Northern Italy)

Apostolic College of Minor Penitentiaries
in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican

Palazzo del Tribunale
00120 Città del Vaticano
tel.: +39 0669883704; fax: +39 0669895411
Rector: Friar Vincenzo COSATTI
Provincial Custody of St. Leopold and St. Nicolas of Flüe in Austria-Switzerland

Friary of St. Bonaventure

International College “Seraphicum”
Via del Serafico, 1
00142 Roma (ITALIA)
tel.: +39 06515031; fax: +39 065192067
Guardian and Rector: Friar Adam MĄCZKA
Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow)

Pontifical Theological Faculty “St. Bonaventure”
Via del Serafico, 1
00142 Roma (ITALIA)
tel.: +39 06515031; fax: +39 065192067
Dean: Friar Raffaele DI MURO
Province of the Seraphic Father St. Francis in Italy (Naples)
Secretary: Friar Juan Miguel VICENTE
Province of Our Lady of Montserrat in Spain