On March 16-20, 2020, the friars from the three communities of the Provincial Delegation in Chile (Copiapó, Santiago and Curicó), gathered in the Monastery of the Trappist Nuns of Nuestra Señora de Quilvo in Curicó, Chile. The monastery is a fraternal and welcoming place that for some years now has been the favorite location for the friars to hold their spiritual retreats.
Although the coronavirus pandemic is ongoing in Chile, it did not prevent the friars of the Delegation from meeting for this year’s scheduled retreat. Those participating included the two postulants from Curicó and Friar Rogério PEREIRA XAVIER, the Assistant General for the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC). Friar Rogério is making a canonical visitation to the Delegation. Daily meditations for the retreat were conducted by Father Richard Marcelo DIAZ VILLALOBOS, the Pastor of the Church of San Juan de Dios in Teno, Diocese of Talca, Chile.
The first day of the retreat was dedicated to issues facing the Delegation. The friars discussed some of the activities that were carried out last summer, such as the youth mission and the mission in Italy comprised of young people from Curicó. They also evaluated the status of their fraternal life, vocation ministry and financial matters.
On the second day, in keeping with the Four-Year Plan of the Delegation entitled “Transforming Ourselves to Renew Ourselves”, Father Richard Marcelo invited the friars to examine the current social and ecclesial situation and to understand the reality in which they operate. Next, he invited them to enter their own “home”, namely that place in our hearts where God lives and speaks to us. Finally, he encouraged the friars to go forth as “good Samaritans”, to meet their brothers who are in need and to renew their own commitment to lead open and responsible lives.
Then, the friars discussed their personal plans for this year. On the last day, before making a brief evaluation of the meeting, the Delegate, Friar Tullio PASTORELLI, and Friar Rogério, spoke about issues from the last FALC Assembly and the current status of the FALC Federation.
All of the confreres acknowledged the beauty of this time spent together. They gave thanks for the grace of being able to reinvigorate their spiritual life and the fraternal life of the Delegation.
Friar Jack GINTING