On Tuesday August 13, 2019, the Superiors of the three Conventual Franciscan Provinces in Poland met in Cracow with confreres celebrating their 25th anniversary of solemn profession.
The friars celebrating their 25th anniversary are participating in an ongoing formation course which lasts from August 5 to August 22. The formation course ends with a five-day spiritual retreat.
The visiting Superiors were Friars Marian GOŁĄB, Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Anthony and of Bl. James of Strepar (Cracow), Friar Wiesław PYZIO, Minister Provincial of the Province of the Immaculate Mother of God (Warsaw) and Friar Tomasz RYŁKO, Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe (Gdańsk).
After celebrating Mass in the seminary chapel, the Superiors, spoke to the participants on several topics including the Ordinary General Chapter celebrated this year. They also presented the Motions that were approved during the Chapter.
Last month, the same Superiors visited another group of friars celebrating their 10th anniversary of solemn profession. This meeting was took place at the St. Maximilian Center in Harmęże, Poland.
The Foederatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis (FEMO) also organizes an annual ongoing formation week for young friar brothers and priests who are celebrating at least five years or more of solemn profession or priesthood.