Four years have flown by. The friars of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany are preparing for their next Ordinary Provincial Chapter. In accordance with the Directory for the Celebration of Chapters, they conducted a Pre-Chapter Assembly, which was held September 10-13, 2023, at the friary in Schwarzenberg, Germany.
In addition to the Capitulars, other friars of the Province attended and were able to participate in discussions.
One essential element of the Assembly was the reading of the reports. Friar Igor SALMIČ, the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) gave the first report, which detailed his canonical visitation. The next report was made by the Minister Provincial of Germany, Friar Andreas MURK. Then, Friar Josef BODENSTEINER the Provincial Econom, gave a comprehensive and transparent report on the financial situation of the Province. Regarding Provincial finances, the friars had already had an opportunity to exchange views on the main issues during a video conference that took place prior to the Assembly. Other reports were presented in summarized form. These included reports on vocations, pastoral ministry, missionary projects and the Würzburger Straßenambulanz: a social project dealing with the homeless.
The friars discussed the strengths and weaknesses of the Province in small groups and as an assembly. They then identified priorities for the next four-year term.
The commission in charge of writing the synthesis document of the Assembly produced a text that will be used at the Provincial Chapter to help draft the Provincial Four-Year Plan.
The first part of the Provincial Chapter will begin on October 8, 2023. At that time, the Minister Provincial and his Definitory will be elected.
Friar Andreas MURK, Minister Provincial