For several years, the friars of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany have been dealing with issues involving the safeguarding of creation.

In 2015-16, the Provincial Chapter established mandatory measures for all friaries, such as purchasing electricity only from renewable sources. Furthermore, all friaries, depending on the local situation, must take additional measures regarding ecological issues and be accountable to the Province in an annual report. At present, energy is the main concern in Germany. The war in Ukraine and its aftermath have led to huge price increases.
On September 24, 2022, the friary in Würzburg conducted a formation day entitled, “How to Save Energy.” About fifteen friars attended. Of note: a few days earlier, the Franciscan Sisters in Oberzell conducted the same formation day. Friar Markus SCHOLZ, the Provincial Delegate for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation, collaborated in the conception and implementation of this formation day, together with Sister Beate KRUG, the Environmental Manager of her congregation.
The friars were taught about different perspectives related to energy production and storage. Afterwards, they were asked to come up with ideas on how to save energy in the friary. The discussion was expected to yield a list of mandatory energy saving proposals which the friaries will report to the Province. During the second part of the day, the friars addressed the question of how they want to “live well” in the future, in order to help preserve creation for future generations.

Friar Andreas MURK
