On October 7-10, 2018, the Delegate General for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (GPIC) and the Secretary General for Missionary Animation (SGAM) made a fraternal visit to Sumatra, Indonesia.

Friar Joseph BLAY (GPIC) and Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI (SGAM) visited various formation houses: the novitiate in Tiga Dolok, the post-novitiate in Pematangsiantar and the postulancy house in Tiga Juhar.
Friar Joseph discussed the goals of his office in the light of the spirituality and example of St. Francis. Friar Jarosław focused on missionary spirituality and on the status of the missions of our Order.
Both visitors from Rome enjoyed the friendship and collaboration of the formators and governing members of the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Indonesia. The visiting friars sensed an optimistic energy among the friars in formation and noted the positive direction they were taking towards the growth of the fraternity.
It was a privileged time of grace to be part of this Custodial fraternity. It was quite heartwarming to share the peace and joy of the friars while trying to learn more about this particular part of the world. It was very interesting to experience “Indonesian” Franciscanism, as it undertakes to find, deepen and maintain its identity.

Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI, SGAM Secretary General

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