On August 26-30, 2019, a missiology workshop took place for seminarians from all ten Franciscan Provinces in Poland. The event was held at the Conventual Franciscan friary in Katowice-Panewniki, Poland.
The meeting was attended by Friar Antonin BRZĄKALIK, Minister Provincial of the Province of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (OFM) in Poland; various Provincial Secretaries for the Missions; friars; clerical students; and several missionaries currently vacationing in Poland.
The meeting began with Mass presided over by the Most Reverend Zbigniew KUSY, OFM, Bishop of Kaga-Bandoro in the Central African Republic. In his homily, the bishop stressed that the missionary’s task was not only to proclaim the Word of God, but also to bring Christ to others through the witness of his own life.
The theme of this year’s workshop was Interreligious Dialogue. The animator each day was Friar Sławomir LEDWOŃ, OFM. Father Rafał CYFKA, the Director of the regional office of the pontifical association “Aid to the Church in Need”, spoke of the situation of the Church in the East.
The missionaries participating at the meeting had an opportunity to share their missionary experiences with the friars in attendance. The testimony they offered was very interesting and enthusiastic.
At the end of the meeting, the participants visited the “GUIDO” coalmine in Zabrze, Poland and a district in Katowice-Nikiszowiec, Poland, which is part of the Industrial Monuments Route.
The Franciscan Missionary Council has organized these annual workshops for missionary groups of the Franciscan family for the last nineteen years. The workshops provide an opportunity to learn more on the topic of missionary work from a theological and fraternal perspective.
Friar Robert KOZIELSKI, OFM Conv.
Provincial Secretary for the Missions
of the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Poland (Gdansk)