On February 18-25, 2018, Friars Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI and Alphonse VAZHAPPANADY from the General Secretariat for Missionary Animation [SGAM], together with Friar Joseph BLAY, the General Delegate for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation [GPIC], carried out missionary animation in Romania.

This initiative focused on missionary spirituality, Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium and his encyclical Laudato Si’, and finally, the current status of the missions in our Order. There was a discussion on the experience of missionary service in Peru and testimony on our Order’s recently beatified Friars Michał TOMASZEK and Zbigniew STRZAŁKOWSKI.
Friars Jarosław, Alphonse and Joseph visited several fraternities in the Province.
The fraternity in Bucharest (Romania’s capital) is doing some study and discernment over its own identity (mission and presence among the poor).
The fraternity in Roman is a post-novitiate formation house with thirty-nine friars studying philosophy and theology. They are led by their formators, Friar Marius BILHA, Rector; Friar Iosif CADAR, Vice-Rector; and Friar Marius VĂTĂMĂNELU, Spiritual Director.
The fraternity in Viişoara is a postulancy house with five candidates and a stable fraternity of four friars. They are led by Friar Cătălin FABIAN, Rector; Friar Virgil PETRIŞOR Vice-Rector; and Friar Adrian MIHĂLCUT, Spiritual director.
The fraternity in Prăjești is a novitiate house. There are four novices this year. The Novice Master is Friar Augustin PĂTRAŞCU, and his Assistant is Friar Alexandru OLARU.
Friars Jarosław, Alphonse and Joseph also made a fraternal visit to the novitiate community in Galbeni, the hometown of the Servant of God Martin BENEDICT.
They also enjoyed some beautiful prayer experiences with the Missionary Sisters of Charity in Bucharest and Bacău, as well as with the Benedictine Sisters of Viişoara.
While visiting our communities in Romania, the first thing that struck us was their spirit of joy, hospitality and communion and the spirit of prayer and work they share together. It was something very simple yet fundamental. We also enjoyed the wonderful way the formators of all the formation houses hosted and guided us.
We hope our friars in Romania will fully embrace two fundamental aspects of our religious life: remembrance and proclamation. These always refer to the Gospel of Jesus, to whom we must all conform our lives as believers and brothers to others.

Friar Jarosław WYSOCZAŃSKI, SGAM Secretary General