During the first half of July of 2024, Friar Dariusz MAZUREK, the General Delegate for the General Secretariat for Mission Animation (SGAM), and Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK, the General Delegate for the General Secretariat for Formation (SGF), met with the friars of the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Brazil and visited its formation communities.

The two General Delegates conducted meetings with the Guardians and Pastors of the Province, as well as with the friars in initial formation. The meetings took place in Brasilia, Brazil, where the Provincial Curia, the post-novitiate house and the Institute of Franciscan studies are located. The meetings were also included as part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the erection of the Province, which began as a presence founded by friars from Niepokalanów, Poland. The General Delegates also visited the postulancy house in Cidade Ocidental (the Niepokalanów of Brazil) and the novitiate in Cascavel.
Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK covered a lot of important topics dealing with Franciscan initial and continuing formation and presented various concepts regarding the 800th anniversary of St. Francis receiving the stigmata. Friar Dariusz MAZUREK introduced the friars to topics related to missiology and the missionary activities of our Order; he showed the real faces and places that comprise our missions in the world.
We are grateful to all those who organized these meetings in Brasilia, especially the Minister Provincial, Friar Gilberto DE JESUS RODRIGUES; Friar Kazimierz CIEŚLIK; the friars of Cascavel, including Friars André MACHADO and Ramón Alfredo RUI UREÑA and the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Francis in Brazil, Friar José Hugo da Silva SANTOS. We thank all of the communities and friars for their great kindness and hospitality and we thank the Lord for all the confreres we met. We shall pray for them.

Friar Dariusz MAZUREK, General Delegate for the SGAM
Friar Piotr STANISŁAWCZYK, General Delegate for the SGF