From September 30 to October 8, 2019, Friar Wieslaw PYZIO, the Minister Provincial of the Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw) conducted a canonical visitation to the Provincial Custody of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Tanzania. During his visitation, he met with individual friars at each friary and concluded his visit by attending a House Chapter.
His canonical visitation started at the community of Arusha. From there, he continued on to the friaries in Mwanga and Morogoro and concluded at the friary in Dar es Salaam. At each community, the Minister Provincial reminded the friars to cherish the time they reserve for prayer, lectio divina and community life.
His visitation was timely, since our Custody is currently celebrating the 10th Anniversary of its erection (2009). The Visitator, therefore, encouraged the friars to remain focused and united. He told them not to worry about their number, which is small at present, but to be committed to their ministries and to build a strong Franciscan identity.
Throughout his visitation the Minister Provincial was accompanied by Friar Dariusz SZYMBORSKI, the Provincial Custos of Tanzania. On October 9, the Minister Provincial returned to Poland after having met with the Custodial Definitory.
Friar Benson MAPUNDA, Custodial Secretary