General Office of Communications [UGC]
Convento Santi Apostoli
Piazza XII Apostoli, 51
00187 Roma (Italia)
tel.: +39 06699571; fax: +39 0669957321
- Friar Alejandro PALACIOS VÁZQUEZ
General Delegate for Communications
Province Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico
+39 06.69957319 - Friar Silvestru BEJAN
Editor in Chief Commentarium Ordinis
Province of St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. in Romania
General Delegate for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation [GPIC]
Friary of St. Bonaventure
International College “Seraphicum”
Via del Serafico, 1
00142 Roma (ITALIA)
tel.: +39 06515031; fax: +39 065192067
- Friar Michael Joseph LASKY
General Delegate for GPIC
Province of Our Lady of the Angels in the USA [OLA]
Delegate General for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue [EDI]
Centro Francescano Internazionale per il Dialogo (CEFID)
Piazzetta Spagnoli, 1
06081 Assisi (PG, Italia)
tel.: +39 075.815.193; fax: +39 075.815.194
- Friar Jerzy NOREL
Delegate General for the EDI
Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Poland (Gdansk)
General Delegate for the Second Order and Affiliated Institutions
Friary of St. Anthony at the Baths [“Vigna”]
Viale Giudo Baccelli, 56
00153 ROMA (Italia)
tel.: +39 065781189; fax: +39 065781189+221
- Friar Germano TOGNETTI
General Delegate
The Italian Province of St. Anthony of Padua (Northern Italy)
General Assistant of the Secular Franciscan Order [OFS]
International College “Seraphicum”
Via del Serafico, 1
00142 Roma (ITALIA)
tel.: +39 06515031; fax: +39 065192067
- Friar Ștefan ACATRINEI
General Assistant of the OFS
Province of St. Joseph, Spouse of the B.V.M. in Romania
Delegate of the Minister General
for the Assistance of the Militia of the Immaculate [M.I.]
Friary of St. Anthony at the Baths [“Vigna”]
Viale Giudo Baccelli, 56
00153 ROMA (Italia)
tel.: +39 065781189; fax: +39 065781189+221;
- Friar Gilson Miguel NUNES
Delegate of the Minister General for the Assistance of the M.I.
Province of St. Francis in Brazil