On March 3-5 and March 10-12, 2023, two Lenten retreats were carried out for members of the Militia of the Immaculata (M.I.). Each retreat was held at the M.I. formation center in Niepokalanów Lasek, a presence of the Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw).
Friar Stanisław M. PIĘTKA led both retreats. They were conducted under the theme: “The Faith of the Member of the Militia of the Immaculata in the Church of Christ.”
Each day’s program included Mass, meditations and various celebrations, such as the Stations of the Cross and the Lenten devotion “Gorzkie żale.” There was also time for bearing witness and joyfully sharing the riches of God’s grace.
At the end of each retreat, the participants renewed their act of consecration to the Mother of God and were able to register as members of the M.I.
Sister Teresa Maria GRABOŃ, SFMI