On November 18-21, 2019, the 125th Ordinary General Assembly of the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) took place at the Seraphicum College in Rome.
The Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, presided for the first time over the work of the Assembly, on November 18-19, before leaving for Indonesia. All of the attending Ministers Provincial and Custodes had a chance to share with Friar Carlos about their evaluation of the General Chapter and to discuss new projects and activities taking place in their individual Jurisdictions.
During the Assembly sessions, the heads of certain FIMP Federation areas and offices gave reports. They included Friars Paolo FIASCONARO (Franciscan Missionary Center ONLUS); Alessandro PERISSINOTTO (Formation Commission); Simone TENUTI (Franciscan Youth Center-Assisi); Mauro DE FILIPPIS (Militia of the Immaculate- Italy); and Fermino GIACOMETTI (Graphology-Urbino,Italy). Reports were also heard concerning the College of Pastors and the formation of young friars in their first five years.
Finally, on November 21, Friar Nicola ROSA, the General Econom and Friar Maurizio DI PAOLO the General Procurator and Legal Representative of the Order, spoke to the Assembly regarding some aspects of administration and economic solidarity.
Friar Marco BELLACHIOMA FIMP Secretary