Tag: guardians
Venezuela: First Formation Seminar for Guardians
On November 13-15, 2019, the Provincial Custody of Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela conducted its first formation seminar for Guardians. The seminar took...
Lebanon: Formation for Guardians
On May 1-3, 2019, the Guardians and Vicars of the friaries of the Provincial Custody of the Orient and the Holy Land met in...
Croatia: Formation Seminar for Guardians
On March 18-21, 2019 a formation seminar for the Guardians of the Provinces of St. Joseph in Slovenia and St. Jerome in Croatia took...
Schwarzenberg: Meeting of the Guardians of Germany
For the first time, the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany, Friar Bernhardin M. SEITHER, invited all the Guardians residing...
Peru: Guardians’ Meeting in Lima
From Monday February 4 until Friday February 8, 2019, some confreres from Europe and the Americas gathered at the San Francisco Solano Retreat Center...
Brazil [SMK]: Meeting of the Guardians
On July 2-6, 2018, a “Meeting of the Guardians” was celebrated in the Franciscan Center for Evangelization and Culture (CFEC - ISB) in Brasilia,...