The friars of the Delegation in Vietnam of the Province of St. Joseph of Cupertino in the USA (SJC) celebrated some important events at the end of July 2021.
Solemn Profession and First Profession
At 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 28, 2021, three friars made their solemn profession. They were Friars John Baptist Hướng Văn TRẦN; Joseph Phạm Viết Hoàng LÊ; and Joseph Vủ Minh ĐOÀN.
In addition, nine novices made their simple profession. They were Friars Joseph Cường Hùng NGUYỄN; Dominic Luyện Đình VŨ; Joseph Clara Ân Văn PHẠM; Joseph Đức Minh VŨ; Joseph Toản Khắc NGUYỄN; Joseph Vương Quang LÔ; Peter Vịnh Văn BÙI; John Baptist Tân Minh NGUYỄN; and Joseph Thành Hoàng ĐỨC.
The professions took place during Mass at the St Anthony Friary in Hồ Chí Minh City, Vietnam. Friar Anthony M. Dương Sỹ LÊ presided. He had been delegated to accept the vows of the friars on behalf of Friar Victor ABEGG, the Minister Provincial of the Mother Province of St. Joseph of Cupertino in the USA. Participation at the Mass of Profession was limited due to restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Renewal of Vows
At 5:30 p.m. the same day, four friars renewed their simple vows. They were Friars Jerome Học Thái VŨ; Joseph Đức Văn TRẦN; Joseph Huynh Đức VŨ; and Joseph Huy Quốc NGUYỄN. Friar Anthony M. Dương Sỹ LÊ again presided over the ceremony, which took place at the St. Anthony Friary. Friar Anthony exhorted the friars to persevere on the path of formation and discipleship towards their definitive consecration to God. He stressed that they should always keep their hearts and minds open to God’s grace and the guidance of their formators as they attend the school of the Poor and Crucified Christ, in obedience, with nothing of their own and in chastity.
Please keep these confreres and all the friars of the Delegation of Vietnam in your prayers.
Vietnam Delegation