On Sunday, November 10, 2024, the General Custody of the Sacred Convent of St. Francis of Assisi in Italy celebrated the anniversaries of temporary profession and priestly ordination of several friars.

Three friars celebrated their 25th anniversary of priestly ordination, namely the Custos, Friar Marco MORONI, Friar Riccardo GIACON, and Friar Abelardo HUANCA MARTÍNEZ. In addition, three friars celebrated their 25th anniversary of simple profession. They are Friars Philip KAROTTAPPURAM NICLOVOSE, Pascual Fidel RAMOS, and Giulio CESAREO. A festive Mass was celebrated, presided over by our confrere, the Most Reverend Giuseppe PIEMONTESE, OFM Conv., Bishop Emeritus of Terni-Narni-Amelia. The festivities continued with a fraternal agape meal in the friary, attended by family members and other guests.

Friar Giulio CESAREO