Dear brothers, we invite you to read the latest issue of our newsletter, Fraternus Nuntius 2/2019 (April through June) >>>>.

Of special note is page 3, which is dedicated to the new Minister General. Again, in the beginning section, there is a letter from the outgoing Minister General about the Venerable Friar Carlos MURIAS (p. 5).
The General Secretariat section features news on the “Frontier Community” of Bari, Italy (p. 8) and on Friar Roberto CARBONI, the new Metropolitan of Oristano, Italy (p. 9).
From the Communications Office, we offer news on the “Bynode” Association (p. 11), the latest issue of the Commentarium Ordinis, the proceedings of the 2018 Extraordinary General Chapter (p. 13) and on the new General Album (p 14).
From the Federations, we highlight ordinations in Kenya (p. 23), Colombia (p. 28), Poland (pp. 33-35), Italy (p. 38) and Romania (p. 41).
Finally, you will find a section covering the 2019 Ordinary General Chapter on pages 44-52.

From the editorial board