From December 1-3, 2023, a retreat for young people preparing for the sacrament of confirmation was held at the friary in Niepokalanów Lasek, a presence of the Province of the Immaculate Mother of God in Poland (Warsaw). The theme of the retreat was “Kerigma” [proclaiming the Gospel].
A group of about forty young people attended. They came from the parish church in Radziejów, Poland, which is served by the Conventual Franciscans. Friar Tomasz SZOK and Mr. KRZYSZTOF, a teacher and catechist, led the event.
Friar Grzegorz Maria SZYMANIK, the Superior of the Formation Center in Niepokalanów Lasek, gave a reflection.
The main activities during the retreat included Mass, reflections, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confession, group work, the act of entrustment to the Immaculata and the imposition of the Miraculous Medal. In addition, the youth had the opportunity to visit the shrine in Niepokalanów. There was also a lot of joy as they participated in various recreation events, such as games and dancing.
Sister Teresa Maria GRABOŃ, SFMI