The ongoing global health emergency has generated an important obligation for all Christians: to pray together with one heart for the needs of people at this difficult time.

The media and social media in particular, can be very helpful in this effort because these means of communication can be commendably and evangelically put to use in the style of St. Maximilian KOLBE. Following this reasoning, for some weeks now, the International Militia of the Immaculate (M.I.) and the General Secretariat for Missionary Animation (SGAM) have been streaming a live Rosary, in multiple languages, every Saturday at 7:00 p.m., on Facebook ( These live Rosaries are being offered for the intentions of the militia members and the faithful around the world. The initiative is being led by the SGAM Secretary, Friar Dariusz MAZUREK, assisted by Friar Maximilianus SEMBIRING and other friars from the Friary of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Rome. This was the friary where the M.I. was founded. The Rosary initiative is proving very successful, allowing many people to pray in connection with this very significant location. This type of prayer merits being developed and encouraged. It is hoped the live Rosary will become a regular event, even after the health emergency ends.

Friar Raffaele DI MURO