Today, November 11, 2021, our confrere, Archbishop Friar Dominique J. MATHIEU, shall depart Rome and travel to the Cathedral of the Consolata in Tehran, Iran. The cathedral is the seat of the Archdiocese of Teheran-Ispahan of the Latins in Iran.

From November 7 to 11, Friar Dominique spent time meeting many people who wanted to say goodbye before he departed for Tehran. At the top of his full schedule was his cordial and fraternal meeting with the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Holy See, His Excellency, Seyed Taha HASHEMI.
Next, he met with His Eminence, Pietro Cardinal PAROLIN, Secretary of State; Leonardo Cardinal SANDRI, Prefect of the Congregation for the Oriental Churches; and Mauro Cardinal GAMBETTI, our confrere and Vicar General of His Holiness for Vatican City.
Friar Dominique also met with His Excellency, Patrick RENAULT, Ambassador of Belgium to the Holy See and one of his fellow countrymen.
Finally, on November 10, 2021, Friar Dominque participated in the General Audience of Pope Francis. At the end of the audience, he spoke briefly with the Holy Father, who was very satisfied that Friar Dominique would soon be on his way.
The friars at the community of the Twelve Holy Apostles in Rome also got to spend a little time with Friar Dominique and wished him well. Friar Dominique thanked the friars for the joy of fraternal life that he experienced in the Curia community. Moreover, he asked the friars to pray for him in his new service and he promised he would pray for them as well.
Earlier that morning, Friar Dominique presided over Mass at the Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles. At the end of the Mass, he asked the friars to bless him before he departed. They blessed him with all their hearts. The words of Psalm 55:23 come to mind, the passage St. Francis of Assisi spoke to the friars as he sent them forth to various destinations: “Cast your care upon the Lord, who will give you support” (cf. FF 367, 1059; 2689).
We wish Friar Dominique a good journey and fruitful service

Office of Communications

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