On November 18-29, 2024, the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, made a fraternal visit to the Russian General Custody of St. Francis of Assisi. He visited some friaries he had previously not been able to visit.

The Minister General first visited Astana (Kazakhstan), then went on to Moscow, Kaluga, Astrakhan, St. Petersburg (for the second time) and finally Czerniakhovsk and Ozërsk in the Kaliningrad region. During most of his trip, he was accompanied by the General Custos, Friar Dariusz HARASIMOWICZ.
In addition to meeting the friars, parishioners and collaborators at the individual friaries, the Minister General also spoke with the Most Reverend Tomasz PETA, Archbishop of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, and with the Most Reverend Athanasius SCHNEIDER, Auxiliary Bishop of Astana. He was also able to observe, first-hand, the progress made on the construction of the new friary in Astana.
Despite the limited time available, the friars arranged things so that the Minister General could also visit Moscow, Astrakhan and St. Petersburg.
The fraternal visit was conducted in a serene and fraternal atmosphere. It brought everyone much joy, something which is unfortunately in short supply these days, due to the difficult political situation and the status of the personnel of the Custody following the sudden death of Friar Piotr KARNIALIUK.