On October 5-8, 2018, the Assistant General for the FEMO went to Russia.
In Moscow, the Russian capital, Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI met with the Custos of the General Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Russia, Friar Dariusz HARASIMOWICZ and his Definitory.
The main theme of the meeting was the realization of some projects that had been approved by the Ordinary Custodial Chapter, which was celebrated in early September, 2018.
During his visit, the Assistant General, together with the entire government of the Custody, participated in the patronal feast day of the parish of Kaluga, where our friars perform pastoral service with invaluable assistance from the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi.
In addition to the General Custody in Russia, there are other members of the FEMO (Foederatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis). They come from the OFM Conv. Jurisdictions of Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary and Uzbekistan.
Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI, Assistant General for the FEMO