Friars in initial formation from the Provincial Custody of Mary, Mother of Mercy in Central America, have been offering aid and prayer as the American continent deals with various ongoing social situations. These friars reside at the Saint Anthony of Padua post-novitiate formation house in San Salvador, El Salvador.
The post-novitiate formation community in San Salvador has been filled with enthusiasm, hope and joy over a number of recent events: the canonization of Bishop Óscar Arnulfo ROMERO; the beatification of the Martyrs of Izabal, Friar Tullio MARUZZO and Luis Obdulio ARROYO NAVARRO, the upcoming beatification of Friar Carlos de Dios MURIAS, OFM Conv., the presence of the inter-Franciscan fraternity at Emmaus in the Holy Land and the future inauguration of the Franciscan University in Rome.
Working with the Commission for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (GPIC), the friars of this community have been confronting issues of social injustice afflicting Latin American nations. One thorny problem in particular has been the mass exodus of migrants heading for the northern part of the continent. The friars are providing aid to these migrants with help from Caritas Diocesana. The intercession prayer for the care and survival of migrants throughout the world has been playing a major part in the spiritual life of this formation community. The post-novices would like to invite our confreres around the world to pray in communion for Latin America and not to forget the needs of our brothers and sisters.
The friars currently in initial formation in the Custody are: Friars Miguel BUSTILLOS, Osmin Lenin CANTOR MUNGUIA, José Isael SARMIENTO SARMIENTO (all three from Honduras) and Andrés QUESADA SOTO (from Costa Rica). The formation team is composed of Friars Erick MARIN CARBALLO, Arturo VALLEJO ESCOTO and Javier Ernesto GUERRA.
Friar Javier Ernesto GUERRA, OFM Conv.