On July 11-15, 2022, the Provincial Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil celebrated the first part of its Ordinary Chapter. The Chapter took place at the convent of the Sisters of São José and São Jacinto, in São Luís , Maranhão State, Brazil.
The Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, presided. Others attending included the Assistant General for the Federación América Latina Conventuales (FALC) Friar Rogério PEREIRA XAVIER, the Minister Provincial of the Mother Province, the Italian Province of St. Francis of Assisi (Central Italy) Friar Francesco LENTI, and all twenty of the solemnly professed friars in the Custody.
Some invited friars were also present, namely, Friar Gilberto DE JESUS RODRIGUES, the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe in Brazil (Brasilia); Friar Ronald Ramiro ARMIJO ZELADA, the Provincial Custos of the Provincial Custody of St. Francis in Bolivia; and Friar Wilmar VILLALBA ORTIZ, Delegate of the Minister Provincial of the Province of St. Francis in Brazil (São Paulo). Also of note was the presence of the oldest friar of the Custody, Friar Abdias RODRIGUES MENDES, who turned 100 on December 8, 2021.
On July 14, the Chapter elected Friar Roberto Honorato OLIVEIRA DOS REMÉDIOS as the new Custos. Friar Valdir DA SILVA LOPES was elected Custodial Vicar; Friar Jadson PEREIRA RÊGO, Custodial Secretary; and Friars José Augusto SANTOS DA SILVA and Antônio Borges NOGUEIRA, Definitors.
The first part of the Chapter ended on the morning of July 15, with Mass celebrated on the feast of St. Bonaventure, the patron saint of the Custody.
Best wishes to the Custody of St. Bonaventure, to the new Custos and to his Definitory.
Friar Jadson PEREIRA RÊGO, Custodial Secretary