On Sunday, June 1, 2025, less than thirteen months or 9500 hours away, our Order will begin celebrating its 203rd General Chapter, if God wills it and the world has not ended by then.

We will be meeting at the Friary of St. Bonaventure (Seraphicum) in Rome, in accordance with the terms St. Saint Francis set forth eight hundred years ago in Later Rule, meaning, around Pentecost. In 2025, Pentecost will be celebrated on June 8. On the eve of Pentecost, the Capitulars will make a pilgrimage to Assisi to celebrate the election of the Minister General.

We are writing to you about the General Chapter to remind you of some deadlines:
– you have until May 15, 2024, to propose topics to be discussed at the General Chapter. These proposals are to be sent to the General Secretariat (cf. General Statutes, no. 101 §1). We remind you that individual friars can also propose topics.
by May 30, 2024, each Province, Custody and Delegation shall present its concise report, following the outline that was attached to the letter you received, dated February 2, 2024 (Prot. N. 0145/2024), in which we first informed you about the General Chapter.

Some proposals have already arrived and the reports are slowly coming in as well.
May you be inspired by the Holy Spirit! We wish you every success in your work!

General Secretariat