On the afternoon of Saturday April 27, 2024, the feast of the Patron Saint of the Province of Our Lady of Monserrat in Spain, Friar Alejandro María ALDAVERO ROMERO was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral in Madrid, Spain. At the same time, ten men were ordained to the diaconate.

His Eminence Cardinal José COBO CANO, Archbishop of Madrid, presided over the solemn celebration, accompanied by a large group of concelebrating priests, including the recently re-elected Minister Provincial of the Province of Spain, Friar Juan Antonio ADÁNEZ SILVÁN, together with a good number of confreres from the Province.
Also present were family members of Friar Alejandro, many young people who follow the pastoral initiatives of the Province, and friends of the Conventual fraternities of Madrid and Valladolid. The following day, Sunday, April 28, Friar Alejandro celebrated his first Mass at the Friary-Church of Santa Clara in Madrid.
We thank the Lord for the gift of this new brother priest, and we ask the grace of a very fruitful ministry for him, following in the footsteps of the holy pastors of our Order.