The 2018 Extraordinary Provincial Chapter of the Province of the Seraphic Father St. Francis in Italy (Naples) approved a motion to build a hospitality house for parents who have children hospitalized at the Santobono Hospital in Naples.

Unfortunately, the pandemic slowed down the work that was needed to renovate the existing structure for use as a hospitality house. Nevertheless, on June 6, 2023, the hospitality house was finally officially inaugurated.
The house was built at the San Gennaro Filial House, which belongs to the Immacolata Friary in Vomero-Naples. It is just a few meters away from the Santobono Hospital, the only pediatric hospital in Southern Italy that specializes in caring for newborns and young children.
This hospitality house is meant to accommodate parents who have children admitted to the hospital. It is a non-profit entity, whose goal is to provide typical Franciscan charitable service.
This project was made possible through a donation from Mrs. Giovanna PADULA, who before leaving this world, expressed her intention to create a work of charity. She entrusted the Province to make her wish come true.
The hospitality house will be run in collaboration with the Santobono Pausilipon Foundation; the Foundation will manage the house and arrange accommodations for the families that request them.
We thank God for all the good He continues to do and for making us collaborators in His infinite love.

Friar Cosimo ANTONINO, Minister Provincial