From February 28 to March 2, 2018, the 122nd Ordinary General Assembly of the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) was held at the Casa Leonori Hotel at Saint Mary of the Angels, Assisi, Italy. This coincided with the 42nd Assembly of the Union of the Conferences of Ministers Provincial of the Franciscan Family in Italy.
Those present included all fourteen Ministers Provincial and Custodes of the FIMP federation together with the Assistant General of the area, Friar Joaquín AGESTA.
Some of the more important topics discussed included an examination of the FIMP document on vocational discernment and the criteria for entry into the postulancy program; the direction of the Missionary Center, animation in the field of Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation; planning for the College of Pastors; an evaluation on the progress of all the initial formation communities and finally, the national level assistance provided by the Militia of the Immaculate (M.I.) in Italy.
Friar Marco BELLACHIOMA, FIMP Secretary