Registration is now open for the conference: “The Interior Journey: Franciscan Itineraries for the Homo Viator,” presented by the Pontifical Theological Faculty of St. Bonaventure (Seraphicum) in Rome, September, 6-8, 2021. The purpose of the conference is to guide the inner journey of the person on the road, by means of the message and witness of the Franciscans.

The conference is being promoted in collaboration with the Theological Institute of St. Anthony of Padua, Doctor. A number of well-known scholars in the field of Franciscanism are expected to participate, including Friars Luciano BERTAZZO, OFM Conv., Antonio BERTAZZO, OFM Conv., Pietro MARANESI, OFM Cap., and Sister Marzia CESCHIA.
The program will start on Monday, September 6, at 9:00 a.m., with greetings from the Dean of the Faculty, Friar Raffaele DI MURO, OFM Conv. Next there will be an opening lecture by Friar Luciano BERTAZZO, on “Homo Viator: Forms of Expression between Symbolism and Spiritual Experience.” At 10:15 a.m., Friar Antonio BERTAZZO will lecture on “The Interior Journey: An Anthropological Proposal for Today.” Afterwards, texts for personal study will be suggested. At 3:30 p.m., the program will resume with two hours of debate among the participants. Regular debate periods are scheduled for the coming days.
At 9:00 a.m. the next day, Tuesday, September 7, Friar Pietro MARANESI will lecture on “Franciscan Itineraries.” A period of personal study will follow with time for debate in the afternoon.
The last day of the conference, Wednesday September 8, will revolve around a talk by Sister Marzia CESCHIA, on “A Proposal for Women: Clare and Other Women.” Afterwards, texts for personal study will be suggested. A debate between participants will take place, as usual, at 3:30 p.m.
Friar Raffaele DI MURO will conclude the program at 6:00 p.m. He emphasizes that “this event will inaugurate a series of initiatives in Franciscan studies, aimed at presenting and enhancing the spirituality of St. Francis and the many other exemplary figures in the seraphic universe. Moreover, this event aims to be a worthy prologue for the Faculty’s upcoming course on Franciscanism, entitled: ‘On the Trail of Francis and Clare,’ which is scheduled for the new academic year.”

Participation in the conference costs 150 euros (including lunch) and 270 euros for full room and board.

The conference venue (Via del Serafico 1, Rome) also offers a bar/restaurant service, ample parking, a park and a well-stocked library.
For information and reservations (by September 5, 2021), please send an email to:
For a brochure with registration instructions, go to:

Elisabetta LO IACONO, Seraphicum Press Office