On February 19-22, 2018, and again on February 26-28, 2018, the Assistant General for the Federatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis (FEMO), Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI, made a fraternal visit to the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Slovakia.
During his visit, the Assistant General visited all the friaries in the Custody and spoke with all the friars.
His visit concluded with a meeting with the Custos Friar Tomáš LESŇÁK and his Definitory. They discussed the current status of the Custody and talked about plans for its future.
Currently, the Custody has seventeen solemnly professed friars and two temporarily professed. The Custody has four friaries located in Bratislava, Spišský Štvrtok, Levoča and Brehov. The friars serve at three parishes, a Catholic school, a recovery center and a retreat house. Two friars work in Italy—one at the Vatican Apostolic Penitentiary and the other in the Italian Province of St. Francis of Assisi (Central Italy). The Custody will celebrate its Chapter next year.
Friar Jacek CIUPIŃSKI, Assistant General for the FEMO