On July 1-9, 2020, the Province of Our Lady of Monserrat in Spain celebrated its Ordinary Provincial Chapter. The Chapter was held at the Capuchin Franciscan friary in El Pardo, Madrid.
Due to the Covid-19 health crisis, the first and second parts of the Chapter were combined together. The Minister General, Friar Carlos A. TROVARELLI, presided over the first part (July 1-4, 2020). Friar Giovanni VOLTAN, the Assistant General of the Intermediterranean Federation of Provincial Ministers (FIMP), had made a canonical visitation to the Province and was present for the entire Chapter.
The Chapter began with a morning of spiritual retreat. A reflection was led by Friar Jesús TORRECILLA IBÁÑEZ, OFM Cap., a member of the Capuchin community at El Pardo. After reading reports, the twenty eight attending Capitulars divided into three work groups to evaluate the life and activities of the Province during the last four years. The work session ended with the approval of a synthesis which served as a starting point, together with the Six-Year Plan of the Order, for drawing up a basic outline of the Provincial Four-Year Plan (PPQ) during the second part of the Chapter.
During Evening Prayer on Friday, July 3, Friar Juan Antonio ADÁNEZ SILVÁN was officially proclaimed Minister Provincial (first term). He had been elected by letter on April 3, 2020. Friar Juan Antonio was born on September 6, 1958, in Almorox (Toledo, Spain). He made his temporary profession on September 12, 1976, his solemn profession on September 4, 1982 and was ordained a priest on May 12, 1984. During the same celebration of Evening Prayer, the new Minister Provincial made his profession of faith and swore his oath into the hands of the Minister General.
The following day, Saturday, July 4, the new Provincial Definitory was elected. The members are Friars Joaquín Ángel AGESTA CUEVAS, Vicar; Roberto LLORENTE PIZARRO, Secretary; and Friars Gonzalo FERNÁNDEZ-GALLARDO JIMÉNEZ and Juan Luis CORMENZANA CARPIO, Definitors. Friar Miguel Ángel MARCOS MARCOS was elected Provincial Econom and Friar Antonio Jesús ROYO TOMÁS was elected Provincial Exactor.
During the second part of the Chapter (July 6-9), a number of specific themes were studied, the fundamental points of the PPQ were drawn up, and the Guardians and the Directors of Provincial works were elected. On Wednesday, July 8, the Most Reverend Luis ARGÜELLO GARCÍA, Auxiliary Bishop of Valladolid and Secretary General of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, presided over Mass.
Friar Juan Miguel VICENTE VALTUEÑA Chapter Secretary