Tag: Colombia
Colombia: beginning of the 2023-24 FALC Novitiate
On January 16, 2023, the memorial of the Franciscan Protomartyrs, seven confreres began their canonical year of probation at the common novitiate of the...
Colombia-Venezuela: Inter-Custodial Formation Meeting for Post-Novices
From December 12-22, 2022, the Provincial Custodies of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia and Our Lady of Coromoto in Venezuela conducted a joint...
Fraternal JPIC Visit to the Custody of St. Francis in Colombia
(November 19 - December 2, 2022) Having spent fifteen days in the Amazon, I arrived in Bogotà, Colombia and was able to preside and...
Colombia: Custodial Continuing Formation Meeting
On November 28-30, 2022, the solemnly professed friars of the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia conducted their annual continuing formation...
Colombia: National Assembly of the Militia of the Immaculata
On October 15-16, 2022, the 3rd National Fraternal Assembly of the Militia of the Immaculata (M.I.) was held at the Jorbalán House of Spirituality...
Colombia: 4th Annual Meeting for Young Men in Initial Formation
On October 10-15, 2022, the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia held its 4th annual meeting for young men in initial...
Colombia: FALC Common Novitiate 2022
On October 3, 2022, the eve of the Solemnity of our Seraphic Father St. Francis, five confreres were vested in the Conventual Franciscan habit...
Colombia: Formation for Friars in Solemn Profession for Five Years or...
On September 19-23, 2022, the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia conducted a formation meeting for its friars in solemn profession...
Colombia and Venezuela: Meeting between the Custodies
From May 31 to June 2, 2022, a two-part meeting took place between the Definitors and Guardians of the Provincial Custody of Our Lady...
Colombia: Diaconal Ordinations
On April 2, 2022, Friars Camilo CALLE RAMÍREZ and Leonardo José RÍOS MADERA, of the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia,...