Friday, October 4, 2024
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Tag: Ghana

Ghana: 2023 Novitiate Year Begins

On August 3, 2023, the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana vested fifteen young men in the Conventual Franciscan habit thus...

Ghana: 2023 Solemn Profession of Vows

On August, 5, 2023, the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana was blessed to have three friars make their solemn profession...

Ghana: Building Houses for the Homeless

Under the leadership of our confrere Friar Martino CORAZZIN, the St. Francis of Assisi Parish Church in Elmina, Ghana, is about to complete the...

Ghana: 2023 Annual Custodial Retreat

On March 20-24, 2023, the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana held its annual spiritual retreat. This yearly retreat brings together all...

Conventual Franciscan Mission Presences around the World – IV

Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana   Mother Province: The Italian Province of St. Anthony of Padua (Northern Italy)  In 1977, two different Jurisdictions...

Ghana: 2023 Fraternal Assembly of the Custody

On February 7, 2023, the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana conducted its annual fraternal assembly. This assembly is held annually in...

Ghana: Six New Priests

In late November 2022, Christ the King Catholic Church in Effiakuma-Takoradi, Ghana, celebrated the 60th anniversary of its founding. The theme for the event...

Ghana: New Postulants Admitted

On September 29, 2022, Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana admitted five young men into its postulancy program. The ceremony took...

Ghana: Ongoing Formation Program for Priests Ordained Five Years Or Less

On September 5-9, 2022, the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana conducted an ongoing formation program for priests ordained five years...

Ghana: Solemn Profession

On August 13, 2022, five friars of the Provincial Custody of St. Anthony of Padua in Ghana made their solemn profession of vows and...
Franciscan Voice Pilgrimage

The Shell – Franciscan Voice Pilgrimage App Launches

“The Shell” is now available in the Apple App store and Google Play store. This app was developed by the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF)...

Online Polish Translation of the Writings of St. Francis

A new Conventual Franciscan website has been launched. It features an electronic version of the new Polish translation of the Writings of St. Francis....

Chile: 2024 Formation Week

On September 23-27, 2024, the friars of the Delegation in Chile conducted a formation week. On Monday, September 23, they began with “a morning of...

Germany: Franciscan Youth Pilgrimage

For over thirty years, on the feast of St. Francis, the Franciscan Youth of Germany has organized a gathering of youth and young adults...

Croatia: Province Day Celebrated

On September 30, 2024, the friars of the Province of St. Jerome in Croatia, gathered to celebrate their Province Day. The event took place...