On August 6, 2022, three friars of the Delegation in Uganda professed their solemn vows into the hands of Friar Marian GOŁĄB, the Minister Provincial of the Mother Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow).
Friars Augustine KADDU, Edward KIRONDE and Paul MUTAASA undertook their studies in Nairobi, Kenya and at the Seraphicum in Rome. Their solemn vow ceremony was held at the parish church in Matugga, Uganda—the very place where they first began their vocational journey, and where, at the same time, the friars from the Province of Cracow were establishing their new presence.
Those attending the ceremony included Friar Wojciech Male ULMAN, the Delegate of the Minister Provincial in Uganda; Friar Dariusz GACZYŃSKI, the Provincial Secretary for the Missions; the friars working in Uganda, and the family members and friends of the newly professed.
In his homily, the Minister Provincial referred to the disciples that Jesus took up with him to the mountaintop. Our brothers have been following Jesus for many years, but the moment of perpetual vows is precisely the decision to go up to the mountaintop with Jesus, which implies trust and love for the One who called them.
The three-hour Mass was enlivened by African dance and song as well as the joy and gratitude of the participants. Afterwards, everyone moved to the gardens of the friary for some fraternal time together.
We pray for our brothers Augustine, Edward and Paul. The Delegation in Uganda currently has twelve solemnly professed friars and sixteen temporarily professed friars.
Friar Jan Maria SZEWEK