Nei giorni 7-11 Ottobre 2019 si è svolto in Assisi presso la Domus Laetitia OFMCap, il 44° convegno dei Parroci FIMP a cui hanno partecipato circa 30 confratelli provenienti da varie parti d’Europa: Francia, Italia, Romania, Spagna, Turchia e Germania.
On October 7-11, 2019, the 44th Pastors’ Conference of the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (FIMP) took place in Assisi, at the Capuchin Franciscan Domus Laetitia. Some thirty confreres attended the conference. The participants came from various countries in Europe, including France, Italy, Romania, Spain, Turkey and Germany.
The theme for this year’s conference was: “The People of God as Witnesses; Urgings of Paul VI”. Friar Domenico PAOLETTI, Vicar Custos of the General Custody of the Sacred Convent of St. Francis of Assisi, gave two lectures. His first was entitled “Paul VI and the Witness”. His second was entitled, “From Evangelii Nuntiandi to Evangelii Gaudium: Paul VI Inspiring Pope Francis”.
On the second day the General Procurator, Friar Maurizio DI PAOLO, presented two lectures. The first was entitled “Evangelization in the Constitutions”. The second was, “The Relationship between the Pastor and the Superiors”.
On October 10, the friars almost unanimously confirmed the value of the conference and want to see it continue in future, in particular because of its educational relevance. On the same day, the members of the preparatory commission for the conference were elected. They are Friars Giammarco ARRIGONI (President); Augustin VEREŞ (Vice-president); Nicola SCARLATINO, Ioachim BLAJ and Mauro VALENTINI (Councilors).
The friars decided to hold the next conference in 2020, in Padua, in honor of the 800th anniversary of St. Anthony’s transfer from the Augustinian to the Franciscan Order.
The friars hope there will be greater participation in the future. In addition, some of the younger pastors noted the need to continue having the conference because of the valuable opportunity it gives them to discuss their experiences and what they have learned.