We invite every confrere to read the new issue of the Commentarium Ordinis: “ACTA 201° CAPITULORUM GENERALIUM EXTRAORDINARIORUM a die 24 mensis Iulii usque 25 mensis Augustii 2018”.

This is a special and historical edition; within its 564 pages are presented the Proceedings of the Extraordinary General Chapter, from the Indiction of the Chapter (pp. 3-6) to the official text of the new Constitutions [typical edition] (pp. 359-550) together with the chosen photos of the Capitulars (pp. 551-562).

There are thirty-one titles in the index:

  1. Induction of the Chapter
  2. Directory of the Acts of the Chapter
  3. Capitulars
  4. Offices and Assignments
  5. Announcement of the Beginning of the Chapter
  6. Letter from the CIVCSVA Congregation (3/14/2016)
  7. Instrumentum Laboris
  8. Glossary of the Instrumentum Laboris
  9. History of the Revision of the Constitutions (Friar Timothy KULBICKI)
  10. The Sensitivities Expressed by the Friars (Friar Víctor Manuel MORA MESÉN)
  11. Some Themes of Great Importance (Friar Valentín REDONDO FUENTES)
  12. The Summary of the Discussion of 7/25-26/2018 (Friar Zbigniew KOPEĆ)
  13. Request for the Authoritative Opinion of the CIVCSVA (3/29/2007)
  14. Letter of the CIVCSVA (5/7/2007)
  15. Letter from the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany (6/28/2017)
  16. The Request to Modify the Chapter Program (FEMO)
  17. Chapters I and II: The Inspirational Criteria (Friar Timothy KULBICKI)
  18. Chapters III and IV: Fraternity and Mission (Friar Valentín REDONDO FUENTES)
  19. Chapter V: Formation (Friar Víctor Manuel MORA MESÉN)
  20. Chapter VI: Government of the Order (Friar Víctor Manuel MORA MESÉN)
  21. Listening, Dialogue, Discernment and Decision (Bishop Roberto CARBONI, OFM Conv.)
  22. The Franciscan University Project (UNIFRA) in Rome (Friar Louis PANTHIRUVELIL)
  23. Motion for the “Franciscan University” in Rome
  24. The Opinions of the Commission of Jurists
  25. Analysis – Constitutions Art. 211, § 1-4 (Friar Maurizio DI PAOLO)
  26. Analysis – Stable Patrimony (Friar Robert LEŻOHUPSKI)
  27. Open Letter to All the Fraternities of the Order
  28. CIVCSVA Approval Letter
  29. Letter of Promulgation Written by the Minister General
  30. Official Text of the New Constitutions
  31. Photo Chronicle

Commentarium Ordinis is published by the General Office for Communications [UGC.

Friar Robert LEŻOHUPSKI, Editor-in-Chief of Commentarium Ordinis