We invite every confrere to read the new issue of the Commentarium Ordinis: “ACTA 201° CAPITULORUM GENERALIUM EXTRAORDINARIORUM a die 24 mensis Iulii usque 25 mensis Augustii 2018”.
This is a special and historical edition; within its 564 pages are presented the Proceedings of the Extraordinary General Chapter, from the Indiction of the Chapter (pp. 3-6) to the official text of the new Constitutions [typical edition] (pp. 359-550) together with the chosen photos of the Capitulars (pp. 551-562).
There are thirty-one titles in the index:
- Induction of the Chapter
- Directory of the Acts of the Chapter
- Capitulars
- Offices and Assignments
- Announcement of the Beginning of the Chapter
- Letter from the CIVCSVA Congregation (3/14/2016)
- Instrumentum Laboris
- Glossary of the Instrumentum Laboris
- History of the Revision of the Constitutions (Friar Timothy KULBICKI)
- The Sensitivities Expressed by the Friars (Friar Víctor Manuel MORA MESÉN)
- Some Themes of Great Importance (Friar Valentín REDONDO FUENTES)
- The Summary of the Discussion of 7/25-26/2018 (Friar Zbigniew KOPEĆ)
- Request for the Authoritative Opinion of the CIVCSVA (3/29/2007)
- Letter of the CIVCSVA (5/7/2007)
- Letter from the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany (6/28/2017)
- The Request to Modify the Chapter Program (FEMO)
- Chapters I and II: The Inspirational Criteria (Friar Timothy KULBICKI)
- Chapters III and IV: Fraternity and Mission (Friar Valentín REDONDO FUENTES)
- Chapter V: Formation (Friar Víctor Manuel MORA MESÉN)
- Chapter VI: Government of the Order (Friar Víctor Manuel MORA MESÉN)
- Listening, Dialogue, Discernment and Decision (Bishop Roberto CARBONI, OFM Conv.)
- The Franciscan University Project (UNIFRA) in Rome (Friar Louis PANTHIRUVELIL)
- Motion for the “Franciscan University” in Rome
- The Opinions of the Commission of Jurists
- Analysis – Constitutions Art. 211, § 1-4 (Friar Maurizio DI PAOLO)
- Analysis – Stable Patrimony (Friar Robert LEŻOHUPSKI)
- Open Letter to All the Fraternities of the Order
- CIVCSVA Approval Letter
- Letter of Promulgation Written by the Minister General
- Official Text of the New Constitutions
- Photo Chronicle
Commentarium Ordinis is published by the General Office for Communications [UGC.
Friar Robert LEŻOHUPSKI, Editor-in-Chief of Commentarium Ordinis