In the diocesan house “Oasis” in the city of São Luis de Maranhão in Brazil, the first part of the second ordinary Custodial Chapter of the Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil, which belongs to the Italian Province of Saint Francis of Assisi (Central Italy), was celebrated from September 10 to September 14, 2018.

The chapter coincided with the fiftieth anniversary of the beginning of the mission in the State of Maranhão. In fact, in the year 1968 the Missionaries of the then Alma Provincia Romana (Italy) officially started the mission.
The Chapter was presided over by Minister Provincial Friar Franco BUONAMANO with the participation of the Assistant General for Latin America, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, and Fr. Vittorio TRANI who is the former Provincial Minister of the Roman Province in Italy. There were 23 friars present at the Chapter. As indicated in the Directory for the Celebration of the Chapter, the sessions were preceded by a day of retreat which was led by a Capuchin friar. All of the prepared reports concerning the life and mission of the custody were read. Then the Capitulars were organized into three groups to discuss the most important aspects of the reports.
In the third session the provincial Custos, Friar Clevis MAFRA DOS SANTOS, made the profession of faith. He was elected and confirmed by the last extraordinary Provincial Chapter of the Italian Province of St. Francis. During the fourth session of the Chapter the Custodial Definitors were elected. They are: Friar Francisco Sales Araújo (Custodial Vicar, I mandate), Friar Roberto Honorato Oliveira dos Remédios (Custodial Secretary, I Mandate), Friar Raimundo Valdo Nogueira (II mandate) and Friar Alessandro Rodrigues da Silva (I mandate). The Treasurer of the Custody is Friar Josué Oliveira Mesquita and is not part of the Definitory.
The Custody has five Friaries. In the State of Maranhão there are four Friaries; three of which are in the city of São Luís and one in the city of Bom Jardin. In the State of Ceará there is one Friary which is in the city of Fortaleza. The Chapter studied the possibility of opening a new presence in the nearby State of Piauí.
Besides the blessing of the Jubilee the Custody has been enjoying a vocational awakening which comes as the fruit of renewed youth ministry over the last few years. For this reason, three of the five Friaries of the Custody were dedicated as houses for receiving vocations and initial formation. Furthermore, the Custody carries out its mission in the populated urban parishes of São Luís and Fortaleza, the missionary parish of Bom Jardim, the work of lay formation, social work in São Luís, and in the Franciscan Pastoral (Franciscan Family).
The whole Chapter was celebrated in a fraternal, serene and optimistic atmosphere. The Custos and the whole Assembly entrusted to the Lord the four-year period begun with the Chapter (2018-2022), and invoked the protection and intercession of the patron Saint Bonaventure, the Seraphic Father Saint Francis and the Mother of God most holy Mary. The celebration of the second part of the Chapter will be held between November 5 and November 9. The Chapter will vote on the new Quadrennial Custodial Project, new Guardians, Directors of initial formation as well as other positions.

Friar Carlos TROVARELLI, FALC Assistant