Saturday, July 27, 2024

“We Are Not Throwaway”

St. Francis of Assisi had the great sensitivity to devote an entire chapter of the Earlier Rule to sick friars, pointing out that their...

When It Is Necessary, They May Go for Alms

We have seen that St. Francis of Assisi made chapter VIII of the Earlier Rule about the use of money. Chapter IX, on the...

Money: A Double-Edged Tool

In the previous article, we reflected on the way we should serve and work. We looked at concrete ways of carrying out these tasks,...

“Being Minors”: A Daily Exercise

In chapter VII of the Earlier Rule, Francis talks to us about the way we should serve and work, a way founded on our...

On Equal Terms

A lack of understanding of what it means to be “minor” threatens the balance of the fraternity, especially regarding the the relationship that can...

Let the Greater Become the Least

In chapter V of the Earlier Rule, it is interesting that when Francis asks the friars to be minor, he does not relate this...

“Be Careful Not to Be Disturbed or Angered at Another’s Sin or Evil”

In the previous reflection we talked about the term “minor” and we also emphasized that “being minor” is one of the two pillars of...

And Remember… I Have Not Come to Be Served, but to Serve

In the last part of chapter IV of the Earlier Rule, St. Francis writes: Let the ministers and servants remember what the Lord says: “I...

Do to No One What You Yourself Hate

In Chapter IV of the Earlier Rule, St. Francis talks about the relationship that the Superior should have with the friars and the friars...

Doing Penance…

In the previous reflection, we mentioned prayer and fasting. Both the life of prayer and the life of fasting can be summarized in one...