Thursday, January 16, 2025
Home SGAM Missionary Vocation

Missionary Vocation

The Missionary Charism of St. Francis in the Light of the Current Teaching of...

Christ, the Son of God, was sent by the Father “in order to establish peace or the communion of sinful human beings with Himself, as well as to fashion them into a fraternal community” (Ad Gentes, 3).

The Missionary Charism of St. Francis in the Light of the Current Teaching of...

Every believer, wishing to be faithful to the Gospel, may be called to the “supreme witness of martyrdom”

The Missionary Charism of St. Francis in Light of Current Church Teaching (3)

Sent to the Poor The Second Vatican Council tells us in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church that one of the ways we can participate...

The Missionary Charism of St. Francis in the Light of the Current Teaching of...

The Good News in the Fraternal Community Every fraternal community offers one the opportunity of living the Gospel. The Holy Spirit calls us to live...

The Missionary Charism of St. Francis in the Light of the Current Teaching of...

Evangelization through the Witness of One’s Life The approach to being a missionary that the Church proposes in its documents today has a lot in...

The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi and the First Friars

This is the final article of the series on the Mission of St. Francis of Assisi and the First Friars.

The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi and the First Friars

The renewal of apostolic life, to which Francis and his friars contributed by involving themselves in the pastoral activities of the whole Church, reached both Christians and non-believers.

The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi and the First Friars

10. A Missionary Orientation of Life Although the Seraphic Father’ s first attempts to preach the Gospel to non-believers might have been unsuccessful, the “orientation...

The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi and the First Friars

9. The Idea of Going to the Infidels Francis left his native Italy for the first time in 1212. He was driven by the desire...

The Mission of St. Francis of Assisi and the First Friars

8. The Situation in Non-Christian Lands The Church deeply desired missionary activity ad gentes, even before the time of St. Francis. One of its strongest...