On October 13, 2018, the Provincial Custody of St. Francis of Assisi in Colombia joyfully celebrated the ordinations of two confreres: Friar Oscar Julián ARIAS FERNÁNDEZ (priest) and Friar Fabián Alberto MARTÍNEZ ARAQUE (deacon).
The celebration took place at the Basilica of Nuestra Señora del Rosario de Chiquinquirá, in La Estrella (Antioquia). The friars chose the location out of their devotion to the Immaculate Mother of God and for its connection with the history of the Order at our friary of San Maximiliano Kolbe in Itagüí. The ordinations were presided over by the Most Reverend Ricardo Antonio TOBÓN RESTREPO, Archbishop of Medellín, Colombia. Several friars from the various fraternities of the Custody took part, as well as some diocesan and religious priests from different religious communities who are close to the life and work of the friars.
May the Most High and Good Lord continue to guide these two confreres on the path of fidelity and generous self-giving, and make their lives a testimony of God’s love and mercy for the benefit of the Church and our Order.
Friar Fabián Alberto MARTÍNEZ ARAQUE