On May 14-16, 2018, the Province of St. Jerome in Croatia held the second part of its Ordinary Provincial Chapter at the Holy Spirit friary in Zagreb, Croatia.
Forty-six capitulars attended, led by the Minister Provincial, Friar Josip BLAŽEVIĆ. Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ the Assistant General for the Centralis Europae Foederatio (CEF) also participated in the Chapter.
The first day was dedicated to defining, and later, approving the Province’s new Four-Year Plan (PPQ). On the second day, the Capitulars worked in groups and finally concluded their work by voting on some important issues for the future of the Province. Among the various issues they covered, the Capitulars made decisions about downsizing the Province, the responsibility for the mission in Denmark, the introduction and approval of a new solidarity system in the Province and the beginning of the beatification process for Friar Celestin TOMIĆ. Friar Celestin was a Croatian confrere who died in fame of sanctity a few years ago. Finally, during the sixth session, the new guardians, formators and Presidents of the Provincial Commissions were elected.
Every evening, there was some time dedicated to fraternal recreation. On the first evening, a new book by Mr. Ivan ARMANDA was presented, entitled: “Blessed Alojzije Cardinal STEPINAC and the Friars Minor Conventual.” The second evening was dedicated to the presentation of the film on St. Maximilian KOLBE entitled: “Two Crowns”. On the third evening, a video was presented on the 50th anniversary of our friars’ presence in Sisak-Galadovo, Croatia.
Half a day was dedicated to a pilgrimage to the Zagreb Cathedral and to praying at the tomb of Blessed Alojzije Cardinal STEPINAC. Subsequently the friars visited a “possible” house, for the spiritual center on the mountain above the capital, where they also stopped for lunch.
During the Chapter, the name days and birthdays of some of the friars of the Province were remembered.
After the Chapter, the Assistant General for the CEF took part in the first meeting between the Minister Provincial and the new guardians. Finally, he participated in a meeting of the Provincial Definitory.
Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, Assistant General for the CEF