Every three months, the Guardians of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany meet to exchange views. They alternate between meeting online or meeting in person. Their last meeting was on January 29, 2024, at the friary in Würzburg, Germany.
All of the Guardians who were elected or confirmed during the last Provincial Chapter were present, namely, Friars Adam KALINOWSKI (Würzburg); Jesmond PANAPPARAMBIL (Schönau); Mateusz KOTYŁO (Schwarzenberg); Markus SCHOLZ (Maria Eck); Josef BODENSTEINER (Cologne); and Maximilian M. BAUER (Lage).
The morning was dedicated to an in-depth discussion concerning the Guardians’ experiences in their own friaries. They recounted the developments of the last few months and gave each other advice on how to face their challenges and difficulties in a synodal spirit.
A larger discussion period was focused on the topic of finances. The Minister Provincial, Friar Andreas MURK, explained how to draw up a budget and how to invest assets, and reminded the Guardians of the responsibilities they share with their House Economs.
A number of liturgical issues were also addressed. For example, the texts of the “Corda Pia” [a Franciscan Lenten devotion] are to be renewed this year on the anniversary of the stigmata of St. Francis.
The Guardians enjoyed a pizza together before they returned home with some tasks to be addressed in their House Chapters. This made it clear, once again, that the meeting was not just about work, but also about lively fraternity.
Friar Andreas MURK