On September 08, 2018 the Feast of the Navitivity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Friar Andrew Richard DATOY was ordained to the priesthood at Saint Michael Parish, Tangub City where he was baptized thirty seven years ago.
The parish belongs to the Archdiocese of Ozamiz which is located southwest of the Philippines on the island of Mindanao. The ordaining minister, Bishop Martin JUMOAD, DD (Archbishop of Ozamiz) emphasized in his homily the importance of liturgical prayer, pastoral visits, and evangelical service. He made mention of unhealthy tendencies and temptations of both ordained ministers and parishoners in this regard. He also asked the newly-ordained to celebrate three Masses in honor of the Holy Spirit, our Blessed Mother and for the intention of all the souls in purgatory.
Those present at the ordination were sixteen friars representing all the communities of the Philippine Custody, diocesan priests, members of locally founded religious congregations of sisters, government officials, parishioners, a few OFS, and MI members.
Lunch was served after the ordination in collaboration with the parish community and the local government. This was highlighted by a grand cultural show of songs and dances by the Sinanduloy Cultural Troupe organized under the leadership of the city mayor Atty. Philip TAN and his wife Dr. Jennifer Wee TAN. The next day, which was a Sunday, Friar Andrew celebrated his Thanksgiving Mass in the same parish. It was attended by the friars and many churchgoers. At the end of the eucharistic celebration those who attended kissed the hands of the newly-ordained priest, Friar Andrew.
Communications Office of the Custody
Photo credit: Alexander Juni AMORA