The year’s third issue of the Order’s newsletter Fraternus Nuntius is now available. It contains documents and news covering July – September, 2022.
In the first section, you will find the calendar of the Minister General, Friar Carlos TROVARELLI (p. 4) and the acts of the General Definitory (pp. 5-7).
Next are pages concerning the General Offices (pp. 8-22) where, among other things, you will find an article about the conclusion of the course for missionaries held in Uganda (pp. 14-15) and another article on the Intermediate Assembly of the Urbanist Poor Clares of Italy in Rome (pp. 21-22).
On page 23, you will find the solidarity bulletin board of the General Financial Office, where we offer thanks for donations received.
Next come pages regarding the Federations (pp. 24-83). From the African Federation of Conventual Franciscans (pp. 24-33) we highlight the solemn professions in Uganda (pp. 27-28) and Ghana (pp. 28-29). From the Centralis Europae Foederatio (pp. 34-43) we feature the 60th anniversary of priestly ordination of Friar Maximilien SAUGE (p. 35). From the Conventual Franciscan Federation (pp. 44-49) we report on the first religious brother to be elected Vicar Provincial (p. 47). From the Federación América Latina Conventuales (pp. 50-57) we feature the blessing of the new friary in Brazil (p. 52); from the Federation of Asian Minor Conventuals (pp. 58-60) we highlight the fraternal visit of the Minister General to India (p. 60). From the Foederatio Europae Mediae et Orientalis (pp. 61-73) we report on the closing of the centenary of Blessed Aniela SALAWA (pp. 69-70). From the Federazione Inter-mediterranea Ministri Provinciali (pp. 74-83) we highlight the priestly ordination in Lebanon (pp. 79-80).
On pages 84-92, which features news on recent Chapters, we report on the Chapter of the Provincial Custody of St. Bonaventure in Brazil (p. 86).
Finally, the newsletter concludes with pages on statistical data (pp. 93-94).
Office of Communications