On January 29-31, 2018, the Province of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary in Germany held its annual guardian’s conference.
The Minister Provincial, Friar Bernhardin M. SEITHER, welcomed the five guardians of his own Province; all but one of the guardians from the Provincial Custody of Austria-Switzerland; and some representatives from the Polish friaries in Germany. Friar Miljenko HONTIĆ, the Assistant General for the area, was also present.
At the beginning of the conference, all of the guardians presented themselves and gave a short summary on the current status of their friary. On the second day, the friars listened to a lecture by Friar Fidelis RUPPERT, OSB, the Abbot Emeritus of the famous Abbey of Münsterschwarzach (the home of Friar Anselm GRÜN, OSB). Friar Fidelis talked about anger and fury – and how to deal with it in one’s daily life.
In the afternoon, there was an excursion to a gardening factory. The friars visited one of Germany’s leading producers of cress [a salad green]. They were impressed by the passion the owner showed towards his profession – and the solidarity he experienced from a Dutch colleague (and competitor) after his greenhouses burned down some years ago. He gave an overview on how his cress is produced as well as some insight into the challenges he and his staff face every day on the job.
On the third day, Friar Bernhardin gave an update on some important issues in the Province. He was followed by Friar Daniele BROCCA who reported about life and ministry in the Custody. The friars also heard a report by Friar Miljenko on new developments in our Order and a detailed overview by Friar Steffen BEHR on the major renovations that are currently in progress at the Provincial headquarters in Würzburg.
Apart from the conferences and the excursion, the friars enjoyed fraternal time together and shared some spiritual moments in common, celebrating Mass and praying together.
Friar Andreas MURK, Provincial Secretary