The friary in Schwarzenberg, Germany, recently had a full house. Over the weekend, May 4-5, 2024, it hosted the 12th annual meeting for altar servers coming from all of the Conventual Franciscan friaries in Germany.

The friars of the Province of St. Elizabeth in Germany were pleased to accommodate more than ninety participating altar servers from our friaries―from our friary in Chieming, Upper Bavaria, to our friary in Lage, in the diocese of Osnabrück. There was even a group that came to the meeting from Gelsenkirchen, where our friary has been suppressed. This year, the theme of the meeting was “peace”.
The altar servers attended several workshops, went on a tour of the city of Scheinfeld, making various stops along the way and participated in an important Mass on Sunday morning that included an impressive procession of altar servers from all over Germany.

