From October 10-14, 2022, the friars of the Provincial Custody of Blessed Agnellus of Pisa in Great Britain-Ireland gathered at the Our Lady of Fatima Retreat Center in Llandudno, Wales for the second part of their Ordinary Custodial Chapter.
The agenda included the approval of the revised Custodial Statutes, certain motions concerning present and future apostolic endeavors of the friars of the custody, the Custodial Four-Year Plan, and the election of the guardians and the chairmen of the commissions. The Custodial Four-Year Plan was based on the idea of establishing the needed procedures (in the Custody and locally), which will help the Custody to grow toward being a Province, maintaining a vision of what could be in the future and building toward that future. Each of these goals was divided into organizational, spiritual and fraternal elements.
Friar Jude WINKLER, Assistant General for the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF)